Company history

SG GROUP LLC was founded in 2006.
The initial type of commercial activity was selling of wood for the manufacturers of pulp and paper products.
The experience obtained in the course of logging work allowed the management to make a decision on starting a new type of activities – wood processing.
To implement this project, a special-purpose equipment was purchased, staff was employed and trained, the first products samples were manufactured.

In 2009 the first line of full cycle manufacture of peeled veneer products was launched,
a series manufacturing was launched. The main types of manufactured products were straight and shaped sticks of standard sizes which are used at large cold store facilities for ice cream industry, as well as sticks of custom sizes, cosmetic spatulas.
Gradually, the ice cream manufacturers assessed the quality of our products and advantages of work with SG GROUP LLC which lead to the increase in demand for the manufactured products, therefore the manufacturing was sped up to meet the demand. As a result, we faced a lack of facilities, their capacity utilization factor was 97%.

In 2011 manufacturing facilities were increased due to commissioning of new workshops and expansion of existing ones, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of manufacturing facilities, organizational and technical measures. Additional packaging, sorting lines, die-cutters, milling and grinding machines, logo application machines were purchased.

In 2015 the range of manufactured products was expanded: new products types were introduced: stirrers for hot and cold drinks, disposable medical spatulas.
To implement this project, a modern line for products manufacturing and packaging was launched which ensured the opportunity to provide each customer with a desirable volume and type of products.
In 2018 a stock of CNC machinery with automatically controlled actuating devices was enlarged
to achieve the international quality standards of products
and improve the engineering processes. The crown jewel of our enterprise is a machine with a “visual control” function which allows to scan the products and sort them in an automatic mode with a high precision of defects detection and high speed of operation.

Currently, manufacturing facilities of the company are intended for significant volumes of products output,
but to meet the increasing demand for all types of manufactured products, technical re-equipment of the enterprise is constantly in progress, new machinery and methods, as well as mechanization and computer-aided manufacturing are introduced; updating and replacement of worn-out and outmoded equipment are carried out, an equipment, which is function-compatible with the old one, is selected and purchased.

The purpose of re-equipment is to increase the products output including products of special shapes and sizes, as well as to improve their quality for sales territory expansion.


ПН-ПТ: 9.00 – 17.00, СБ-ВС: выходной